A-Rod Banned in the 2014 Session

By Chris Barne

The New York Yankees third baseman, Alex Rodriguez gets the sternest punishment as a consequence of a drug investigation, which was led by Major League Baseball. He has been suspended for the entire session of 2014. The initial ban was supposed to last for 211 games, initially imposed by the commissioner of Major League Baseball, Bud Selig.

The suspension will cost A-Rod $25 million from the salary of the suspended year and also will taint his image permanently. The Yankee player had been accused of having acquired performance-enhancing drugs since a long time, until finally the charges have been proved right now, and the ban has been imposed.

A dozen of other players have been suspended as a result of the Biogenesis investigation. Rodriguez was the only player who did not accept the allegations and declared to send a petition to the federal court. The one-time World Series winner claims that the statement of allegation has been based on testimony and credentials that are not generally allowed in any court in US, and has maintained that these sources are inauthentic in nature and unreliable.

Rodriguez was picked first in an amateur draft in the year 1993, and had attained the majors when he was 18 and became an All-Star by the time he was 20. He started off as the greatest player in baseball's history; now he ranks fifth with a score of 654.

A-Rod Banned in the 2014 Session
Photo: dailymail.co.uk

Despite the ban, Rodriguez will be allowed to attend the spring training. However, the Yankees might want to cut him off from attending the training. If the former champion wills to resume playing, and manages to hit six more homers, Rodriguez would attain Willie Mays' 660 homers, which would earn him a grand $6 million bonus. If he manages to do a tie with Babe Ruth (714), Hank Aaron (755) and surpass Barry Bonds score of 762, he would earn a $6 million bonus for each of the wins. Overall, he has the chance of hitting a $30 million in incentives.

If he has the luck to join the game again and decides to resume, he could be in par with Mays, but to surpass the other players will remain quite difficult, if not impossible. Rodriguez is to collect $3 million on January 15th, from his earlier bonus associated to his $275 million contract. The MLB's decision won't affect it.

The drug agreement for baseball stated that the whole amount of money that will be lost will be in equivalence to the number of games getting suspended in the regular season. This will be irrespective of the number of days spread over a single season(183 days in this years, 2014).

Written By:

Chris Barne is a sports journalist and loves to blog about efforts on various games, performances and team scorings. He books bulk tickets for his team online and books these Tickets for Super Bowl Game at cheaper rates.

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